Thursday, October 1, 2009

Roman Polanski

So let me see if I've got this right.  A 44-year-old man plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol and a Quaalude, rapes and sodomizes her repeatedly over her objections, and he's got defenders?!?  That is unbelievable.  Here's the thing: talent and/or fame should not excuse someone from being punished for criminal activity.  It shouldn't have excused OJ Simpson, it shouldn't have excused Michael Jackson, and it shouldn't excuse Roman Polanski.  I don't care that it happened a long time ago.  I don't care that the victim has "forgiven" him.  A 44-year-old man raped and sodomized a 13-year-old girl.  He's been avoiding jail since 1977 for that.  He should have been in jail since 1977 for that. 

Whoopi Goldberg said that she "wouldn't necessarily" want her 13-year-old "having sex."  This wasn't "having sex."  This was rape.  And I can guarantee that if a 44-year-old man raped her granddaughter, Whoopi would cut the relevant parts off with a bolt cutter herself.  She's wrong.  Woody Allen has started some kind of petition.  Of course he would.  He was the one having sex with Mia Farrow's adopted daughter while she was a minor and living with him. 

A lot of Polanski's defenders are liberals.  Well, you know what?  To hell with them.  Liberals don't march in lockstep, and as far as I'm concerned, every single one of Polanski's defenders is just as bad as any conservative out there who has defended other crimes like torture.  There are definite sides drawn up in this country - but this liberal refuses to defend any of "our side" when they do the wrong thing, or defend reprehensible people. Yes, Polanski is very talented.  You know what that makes him?  A very talented child rapist.

Put another way:  would any of Polanski's defenders stick up for Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck under similar circumstances?  Of course not, and I will say the same thing for Polanski as I would for Limbaugh or Beck if they committed Polanski's crime:  put that perverted bastard under the jail.

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