Friday, September 18, 2009

OW. Ow ow ow.

Check out this opinion piece.  It's brutal:

Here's a line from it: "Europeans simply don't understand how a wealthy United States could remain the last advanced nation that does not have universal healthcare."

I understand how.  It's the right-wing noise machine that's a paid subsidiary of corporate America.  The insurance and pharmaceutical industries have tons of money, and they've paid off politicians and set up astroturf organizations.  Right-wing talk show hosts chime in, and presto!  You've got politicians who have been bought off who "allow" themselves to be influenced by moron teabaggers who will hold signs for free.  Does anyone honestly think that if money was flowing in the opposite direction, that the Teabaggers would have any kind of pull at all?  Please.

You want to understand how a wealthy United States doesn't have healthcare?  Ask yourself two words:  cui bono?  Who benefits?  It's sure not the people.

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